Just wanted to point out that I was hoping for this win all day, and I boldly (ok, not so boldly) posted my hope of winning tonight's game against South Carolina and it came true. Guess I can join the happy football fans tomorrow at church.
Can we just agree that our pride and joy, Randall Cobb, brought some good vibes into Commonwealth Stadium tonight and they rubbed off on JoJo Kemp? That dude was killing it from the Wildcat.
I must admit that I got a little nervous when they showed the students about to jump the wall onto the field before the game was officially over. I did that once and it did not end well. (LSU 2002. How could you not remember? Well, I guess those Freshman students were just six years old in 2002, but surely their parents have raised them with a knowledge of UK Football history. ...Man, I'm old.)
Back to the modern, *changed* era of UK Football: did you hear JoJo's post game interview? Our coaches have been selling the vision of UK Football and JoJo buys in and played hard to reach that vision tonight. #Changethegame #Whynot JoJo told us he needed the whole team to win and that this team is here to change the program. Why not Kentucky? Those are some stellar leadership skills, Coach Stoops.
JoJo believes it. I want to believe it.
Go Cats. #Whynot
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