Tuesday, September 12, 2006

God's pretty Creative, isn't He?

God impresses me sometimes...
ok, a lot. most recently God has impressed me through our puppy. it's his creative imagination. i mean seriously, who else would have thought up a bassett hound?

let's think about it...this puppy has the biggest feet. and the longest, widest ears i have ever seen. when she bows her head to take a drink of water her ears can't help but fall in the bowl. so then she runs back to me, satisfied and dripping. she has a coat of many colors: tan, brown, black, white. her tail looks like it was dipped in a paint can; it is all black except for an inch long white tip. she sleeps with one eye open - i think it's because the weight of her ear pulls her skin so that her eyelid can't close all the way. she tries to bark and everyonce in a while she gets one of those deep hound dog howls.

but, she needs a bath.

at any rate, i certainly never would have picked out all of this puppy's body parts and put them all together.
but i'm thankful -and impressed- that God did.

1 comment:

John David Walt said...

emily--- so glad to see this. will be expecting a poem soon. ;-) miss you.