Friday, December 22, 2006

"The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood."

Merry Christmas! As you know, this Barlow family was established July 7, 2006. Just before Thanksgiving we finished choosing the pictures for our wedding album. Thanks to the technology of the digital camera, there were literally a thousand from which to choose! Thank you to many of you who celebrated with us in person and in thought on that day. You are God’s gift to us.

Now, five months into our existence, we are about to celebrate our first Christmas together! We have purchased a Christmas tree, decorated it and the family rooms of our house. We almost have all of our moving boxes unpacked and put away. There may be one or two more in a corner somewhere...

We already have an addition to our family. We adopted Magnolia Suzanne Barlow (Maggie) in late August. She is quite energetic despite the stereotype of her breed (Bassett Hound) and the actors who have made it famous (Flash of the “Dukes of Hazzard” and Fred from Smoky and the Bandit). Her favorite toys include empty water bottles and our pant legs. At every nap time, she is convinced she is a lap dog. This will not last long, as she is getting very heavy.

We spend the majority of our time at First United Methodist Church of Long Beach. As Associate Pastor, Ben has been busy with planning for the youth group, making hospital visits, and leading Sunday worship. Emily has also been keeping busy by designing and painting a prayer room for the students and teaching them about worship. We love introducing the students and their families to Jesus and we are thankful that we are able to use our gifts together.

We hope that this Christmas season finds you remembering Jesus and His birth. May you and your family celebrate His life and look forward to His return with hope, joy, peace, and love.

Love, Emily, Ben, and Maggie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3 cheers for UK football

Gosh, who would have ever thought Rich Brooks would be cool

God Bless,
